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Amenities & Facilities

  • Internet access - Free Wi-Fi in all rooms & in public areas
  • Front desk - 24 hour
  • Check-in - 24 hour
  • Express Check-in & Check-out
  • Free of charge 24 hour Car parking area
  • Wake up calls
  • Luggage Trolley
  • Newspaper on Request
  • Security - 24 hour
  • Doctor on call
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Laundry & Dry Cleaning
  • Flatscreens with Cable TV
  • Room heater (on request)
  • Complimentary Toiletries
  • Complimentary Packaged Drinking Water in Room
  • Geyser
  • Luggage storage room
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • In-house Restaurants
  • Board Room
  • Conference
  • Banquets
  • Currency exchange

We take special care for the disabled / physically challenged guests.

  • Concierge
  • Elevator
  • Wheelchair

In-House Shops

  • Essential Needs - Mini Departmental Store
  • F.L. Off shop
  • Salon
  • Medical Store

Ticketing & Rental Facilities

  • Airport / Railway Station Transfer
  • Rental car
  • Bus service
  • Shuttle service